
Monday, April 30, 2012


Welcome to a new month, the merry month of May. With spring in full bloom, summer can't be far behind. Usually May brings sunshine and blue skies and May is the perfect time to enjoy glorious spring!
In the month of May many celebrations abound. Festivals, flower and fruit shows and our love affair with outdoor sports and family gatherings to name a few. 
One of my favorite customs, the maypole dance is celebrated by school children throughout western Europe and young children in school in America. A form of folk dance, this custom is traced as far back as the middle ages in western Europe. Ribbons are attached at the top of a pole under an umbrella of flowers. When music begins to play children dance in a circle around the pole weaving the ribbons over and under until the pole is covered with ribbon. Then the dance is reversed to unravel the ribbons. 
Spring and May is when I love to add a new welcome look to my home. I add a wreath to the front door to welcome guests and a touch of color with flowers on the porch. 

Maypole Dancers

Google Images

by: Thomas Dekker
       THE month of May, the merry month of May,
      So frolic, so gay, and so green, so green, so green!
      O, and then did I unto my true love say,
      Sweet Peg, thou shalt be my Summer's Queen.
      Now the nightingale, the pretty nightingale,
      The sweetest singer in all the forest quire,
      Entreats thee, sweet Peggy, to hear thy true love's tale:
      Lo, yonder she sitteth, her breast against a brier.
      But O, I spy the cuckoo, the cuckoo, the cuckoo;
      See where she sitteth; come away, my joy:
      Come away, I prithee, I do not like the cuckoo
      Should sing where my Peggy and I kiss and toy.
      O, the month of May, the merry month of May,
      So frolic, so gay, and so green, so green, so green;
      And then did I unto my true love say,
      Sweet Peg, thou shalt be my Summer's Queen.

The Merry Month of May

Wreath from Pierre Deux

Ajonc and Bruyere
also known as "Gorse and Heather" decorate the wreath

Blue and White to say Welcome in the foyer
charger is a new addition I found at an estate sale 

Side Entry

Quimper Tiles to Welcome Guests

White Container with White Tulips

Petunias add a Touch of Color

Garden Gate 
Entrance to  The Back Yard

confederate jasmine 

Impatiens add color to the garden gate

ivy trails across the fence and gate

My elementary school always celebrated "May Day,"with a celebration in the park with a picnic lunch and maypole dance. It is a memory I cherish.  


  1. Nice picture you show.
    Hanne Bente /

  2. Happy Merry Month of May to you, Emily! This will be a special may for me as my daughter's wedding will take place in a few weeks.

    May was always celebrated as Mary's special month in my elementary school and we girls would dress in our Communion veils and have a parade around the school block as we carried flowers and and sang hymns.

  3. Yes I did celebrate May 1 by dancing around the flagpole with colorful ribbons! You're the first one to mention it in years. What fun we children had that day, making a beautiful pole of pastel colors! I love your blues.

    Happy Blue Monday, Emily.

  4. Happy May Day (a day early) Emily!! What fun and festive pictures these are. I have always wanted to join in on a celebration like this, but I have not yet found one at the Jersey Shore (lol). Love the is perfect on the red door. Have a wonderful week.
    ♥, Susan

  5. Yes I love May Day.. that is my daughter's birthday and this year she is 6! we made our own maypole and cannot wait to see all the kids dancing around!!
    Love your photos!

  6. You have such a beautiful home and garden, Emily. I watch Maypole dancers during ad antebellum house tour in St. Francisville and it was very interesting....Christine

  7. Beautiful photos as always, Emily! I remember celebrating May Day in elementary school in the lower grades. xo

  8. Beautiful post! I can't believe it will be May tomorrow either. I remember doing the May poll dance in elementary school..went to Catholic grade school :)

  9. I am SO ready for of the best months for me! Love your post! Lots of pretty flowers and decor! It's nice when there's lots of sunshine for photo taking! Enjoy your week!

  10. Dear Emily, I have no memories of May day but it is such a sweet innocent celebration and am all for it. Your front door is splendid and I am an urn freak so love your urns (just did a post on southern urns and porches). The Quimper tiles are gorgeous too. many hugs, olive

  11. Hello Emily

    I love how your have decorated your front door. Just beautiful.

    Like you and your readers I love the month of May and in Ireland as a young girl, we awaited the cuckoo song. Beautiful memories

    Helen xx

  12. Yes we all celebrated May Day! In recent years it is custom to put a bouquet of flowers on a neighbors front door and ring the bell and ran away so it will be a secret surprise!
    Loved your beautiful photos.

  13. Hi Emily, As always, everything you post is so lovely. My five grandchildren will celebrate with a Maypole dance next week. Each class gets a turn to dance around the Maypole and at the end of the Maypole dances, the adults are invited to join in. And yes, we had a May pole festival at my elementary school. Those are such wonderful memories and I was so delighted to see your post. I love visiting. Jill

  14. Hard to believe it's almost May. Time goes by so quickly. Lovely photos.

  15. Thanks so much for sharing those facts about May day and the pictures of May pole dancers (not to be confused with regular pole dancers). I loved seeing the pictures of your lovely wreath, your pretty flowers, and your garden. I saw your post over at "Thrifty Treasures Party".

  16. When we lived in Germany the children went around early in the morning and attached little 'May presents' to one another's doors. They were usually little paper cones filled with goodies - such a sweet custom.

  17. Oh my...the wreath is gorgeous and our property is amazing...I heart, heart your front door.....

  18. Lovely photos and oh, so Merry!

    Visiting for Blue Monday- hope you can stop by:)

  19. Just beautiful! The wreath is gorgeous!

  20. I remember dancing around the Maypole in elementary school. I didn't know many schools still did that. Thank you for these pictures!

  21. Thank you for sharing the bit of history! Love your beautiful wreath.

  22. So many beautiful areas to comment on, Emily!
    Love your French wreath. So many pretty textures and layers.
    I am always lusting after your back yard and the trailing roses you have there. Such a magical place.
    Thanks so much for showing off your lovely home and your front door decor today.

    Loved seeing it!

  23. Beautiful homage to the Merry Merry Month of May, Emily.

    I love the blue and white in your foyer. Everything is just gorgeous.

  24. Emily, I am loving this post! Happy May Day to you!!! :D Your home and gardens are so pretty and welcoming. I love the way you have decorated for spring. Your wreath is *gorgeous* I agree with Alison...your home is magical!


  25. Beautiful photos! Love your front door and wreath. Yes, I have fond memories of May Day as a child. We made paper May Baskets, decorated, and we were supposed to hang them on the front door, ring the door bell and hide (as a surprise to our mothers). That is still so clear in my mind. And I do recall dancing around a Maypole way back.
    Happy May Day!

  26. I love your red door all decorated for May Day. Great theme for the wreath. The beautiful ribbon reminds me of the May Pole ribbons,and the charger in your foyer is GORGEOUS! It looks like you're ready for the merry month of May. :)

  27. Everything looks beautiful, inside and out!! LOVE your wreath and beautiful entry hall!

  28. My goodness, you celebrate May Day in a big way!

    Navajo Doll

  29. Emily, We never celebrated it but we did see a May Day celebration in Germany with the children dancing around the pole. Everything is so pretty and I love the wreath.
    Hugs, Sherry

  30. Hi Emily and happy May Day! I have never been anywhere that May Day was celebrated but when my daughter and her husband lived in England, their little town did and even had the May pole in the center of town.
    Your red door and wreath is so pretty! Your gardens and plants are lovely. Thank you so much for your kind comments about my little felt ornies.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia :)

  31. I love that charger you found at an estate sale. Very nice photos this week.
    Joyce M

  32. Oh my goodness, you brought back such great memories. When I was in elementary school in the 1960s, we celebrated each May Day and yes we danced around the pole, weaving the ribbons as we danced. It was soooo much fun!

  33. Happy May Day! I have fond memories of dancing around the May Pole when I was in first and second grade. We had pretty spring dresses for the occasion. It was a big deal back in the 50s. Your wreath is perfect. So miss PD. ~ Sarah

  34. Emily, May has definitely arrived at your beautiful home. I love your front entry, so lush and elegant. My Jasmine is blooming as well, Oh, the aroma. As we sit on the porch we can smell the sweet breeze of Jasmine from the rear of the house.
    Your garden is looking great, love the day lily pic.
    Have a great week.

  35. Gorgeous! I love that wreath on your front door; it looks stunning especially with your urns. Love the back door, too, with its flower pocket.

  36. Yes I can remember in 5th grade having a May Day Celebration and having a May Pole. Fantastic memory. Your front door wreath is lovely--makes me feel like MAY. Every other entrance is gorgeous. Beautiful colors everywhere.

  37. Beautiful home and beautiful photos. I recently saw some antique Quimper and fell in love, haven't started a collection yet since it is quite an expensive hobby. I have never been fond of some of the modern day Quimper but when I saw antique Quimper, OMG the bells and whistles went off in my head. Hopefully my soon to be newest collection. I am anxious to cruise through your blog and enjoy what you have shared. Love those Quimper welcoming tiles, what a clever idea and this is my first time participating in your blogging party.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  38. Hello Emily - your entrance is fantastic! A beautiful welcome to spring and to May! I love your hanging basket - I'd love to begin collecting Quimper - it is gorgeous!
    I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  39. Emily your pictures are so fabulous. Clearly I have some gardening to do. I am so inspired. The phots of the may pole dancers aer wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing!


  40. You have inspired me. Your pictures/posts are comforting. Have a great week.

  41. Yes, we celebrated May Day the same way in elementary school!
    Beautiful pictures.

  42. Love the May Pole dancers! very nice :)

  43. Happy May, Emily! I love the month of May and that's why we got married in May! I love the ivy trailing over your fence and your red door is stunning! Thank you for sharing a wee peek at your home. It's lovely! Enjoy the weekend and Happy Pink Saturday!


  44. Oh, yes we did the Maypole ... & we made May baskets to leave on neighbors doors to greet them on May 1st. What fun to watch their delighted faces.

    Beautiful home, gorgeous wreath.

    TTFN ~
    Have a beautiful weekend ~

  45. Not only beautiful but so inviting ! We lived in New England for a few years when I was a child and we did celebrate May Day, we made and gave May Day baskets and even had a Maypole.
    Happy Pink Saturday !

  46. This brings back memories...
    I would love if you link this Monday to the French party! My readers would love it!


  47. Hello Emily
    A stunning wreath on your front door! So much colour and shades of green in your garden, soon ours will come alive too.
    Happy May!

  48. Happy Pink Saturday Sweetie...
    What a beautiful filled memory share today. When I was in High School, when the seniors did their walk, the sophomores and junior girls would wind the May pole while they walked. It was called May Fete. Was so beautiful next to Springs Park where the spring ran through. It was a lot of fun.

    Your share today pulled that memory from my mind. I love it. Thank you sweet friend.

    Loved your photos and your ivy is gorgeous and I love your door. How pretty it looks for the merry month of May.

    Have a glorious weekend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  49. The elementary school my children attended hosted a maypole dance every year - they are so beautiful to watch. I love your photos! Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

  50. What a beautiful entrance! Also a beautiful post! Happy Pink Saturday!


  51. Looks so much fun!

    My Pink, I am also inviting you to link up with my color Connection meme.

  52. You brought back fond memories. We walked around a May pole when I was in grade school. Beautiful entrance and wreath. Thank you for sharing.

  53. Oh I love this! May Day! Pretty sweet pink touches.

    Happy pink Saturday, Happy Derby Day and ¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

    Please stop by and enter my celebrate spring/moms giveaway.

  54. Absolutely gorgeous!

    My Pink, have a great weekend!

  55. Well, I thought you got me on your red door and wreath, but you touched my heart with your shabby chic bucket of tulips. I could stay are your house and linger in the back garden for several hours at a time. What a wonderful world you surround yourself in. Blessings Terri

  56. what a beautiful month of May to celebrate, great pictures :-) Dropping by from BM

  57. Thanks so much for linking, There is another one going on right now...I would love to see you there.
    Happy Mother's day!
